Shrinit honoured as a Judge at ‘NM Umang 2022’ intercollegiate cultural fest for a literary contest!
Bestselling Author Shrinit Badiyani was invited for one of Asia’s biggest annual intercollegiate cultural fest ‘NM Umang 2022‘ to judge the writing contest ‘Conspirize Me!‘.
The event was held by the literary arts department of the NM Umang committee, with the participation of 15 top colleges of Mumbai, held on the 17th of September 2022 at the Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics, Vile Parle.

It was an interesting & close-run competition amongst 15 participating teams having 2 rounds – one with creating a story by the 1st member of the team & the other requiring to create conspiracy theories from the story by the 2nd teammate. The criteria for winning was set on the language skills, originality of the content & out-of-the-box thinking abilities.
With limited time & the topic given on the spot, the participants had to be on toe using their imagination & writing skills to the best to impress the judge. Shrinit’s advice to the teams was to ‘Keep it short & crisp’, wanting them to learn the importance of what we call ‘The elevator pitch’ in the writing world.
“Less is more” & “This is the time when you have to grab the attention of the ‘Instagram Reels surfing’ audience” was his tip to the young aspiring writers of tomorrow.
To invite him as a guest speaker or judge at your college or corporate event, kindly fill in the contact form or send in an invite at